Car Loan (Four Wheeler)

If you’re thinking about buying a new vehicle, it’s important to understand how car loans work and what that means for your wallet. By taking some time to understand what you’re getting into and how your payments affect your monthly budget, you can avoid a variety of common financing mistakes.
The 20-4-10 Rule
Before you start shopping for a vehicle, calculate how much can go toward a new vehicle without sacrificing your other expenses such as housing, food, an emergency fund or retirement savings. Then, use that number as a guide to determine the size of your new loan.
Keep in mind that most dealers will try to sell you a car with lots of add-ons and fees. These will increase your loan-to-value ratio and raise your interest rate, which can put you in an even worse financial position.
Ask About Rolling Over Negative Equity
If you have negative equity on your existing car, it’s best to find out before you purchase your next one. That way, you won’t have to pay excess interest if you choose to refinance your old car.
Refinance Your Loan
If your income or credit improves, you may be able to refinance your car loan somewhere else down the line. It can save you money and headaches by shortening your term or lowering your interest rate.
Preapproved Offers Are a Must
If you’ve been preapproved for a loan, don’t be afraid to show it when you’re visiting dealerships. It will make you stand out from the crowd and help you negotiate your loan terms.